Spiral Math Review
For Long Term
Effective Spiral Review
Teacher Features
Research Based Cognitive Science
As educators, we often focus on getting information into students’ brains. Research shows that recall, or intentionally drawing information out of the brain, is one of the strongest contributors to long-term retention. In mathematics in particular, students can’t just read over their notes to “review”; they need to be DOING the math!
At Get More Math, we still believe that teachers are the experts in instructional delivery and guiding students through review and application. We’ve employed the power of technology so teachers can build assignments that leverage research-based retrieval practice to break the forgetting cycle through individualized, spiraled mathematics practice and mixed review sessions.
Case Studies
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- 3,500 Skills
- Grades 3-11
- 100% Teacher Control
- Aligned to all 50 States
- Group students together
- Exams and retests
- Student and classroom data
About Get More Math
Josh Britton started creating Get More Math early in his 20-year math teaching career. He was tired of the ‘forgetting cycle’ — watching kids work hard through each unit, then forget most of their learning gains by the end of the year. Josh built Get More Math to deliver daily spiral review sessions individualized for each student. After Josh’s students achieved excellent long-term growth, he decided to share his system with math teachers everywhere who want to break the math forgetting cycle.
The first version of our software was created in 2005. Continually used, refined, and improved by math teachers and students, Get More Math has developed into a powerful tool for math teachers everywhere.