7th Grade Skills


  • Integers
    • Integer Vocabulary & Scenarios
      • Identify situations represented by positive & negative numbers, real-world context
      • Determine representations of quantities using positive & negative numbers, real-world context
    • Opposites
      • Determine opposites of numbers
      • Identify opposite integers on number line
      • Determine change, opposite integers, real-world context
    • Comparing Integers
      • Compare two positive integers
      • Compare two integers, one positive & one negative
      • Compare two negative integers
      • Interpret inequalities as statements about position
    • Addition of Integers
      • Modeling Addition of Integers
        • Add integers using counters
        • Classify sum of integers on number line
        • Given number line model, determine or interpret integer sum expression, same signs
        • Given number line model, determine or interpret integer sum expression, mixed signs
      • Basic Addition of Integers
        • Add opposite integers
        • Add opposite integers, up to two digits
        • Add integers with same sign, start one digit & advance to two digits
        • Add integers, one digit
        • Add negative integers
        • Add integers, positive sum
        • Add integers, negative sum
        • Add integers, start one digit & advance to two digits
        • Add negative integers, up to two digits
        • Add integers, up to two digits, positive sum
        • Add integers, up to two digits, negative sum
        • Condensed: Add positive & negative integers
      • Application of Addition of Integers
        • Add integers with same sign, up to three digits, real-world context
        • Add integers, up to three digits, real-world context
        • Given model or table, add integers, real-world context
        • Condensed: Add integers, real-world context
    • Subtraction of Integers
      • Modeling Subtraction of Integers
        • Subtract integers using counters
        • Given variables on number line, classify difference
        • Subtract integers on number line, same signs
        • Subtract integers on number line, mixed signs
      • Basic Subtraction of Integers, Positive Differences
        • Subtract integers, positive difference
        • Subtract negative integers, positive difference
        • Subtract negative integers, up to two digits, positive difference
        • Subtract integers, opposite signs, up to two digits, positive difference
      • Basic Subtraction of Integers, Negative Differences
        • Subtract positive integers, negative difference
        • Subtract negative integers, negative difference
        • Subtract integers, negative difference
        • Subtract positive integers, up to two digits, negative difference
        • Subtract negative integers, up to two digits, negative difference
        • Subtract integers, opposite signs, up to two digits, negative difference
      • Basic Subtraction of Integers, Mixed Differences
        • Subtract positive integers, one-digit & one-digit
        • Rewrite subtraction as addition & evaluate expression 
        • Subtract integers, various signs
        • Condensed: Subtract integers, various signs, up to two digits
      • Application of Subtraction of Integers
        • Determine differences between integers, same signs, real-world context
        • Determine differences between integers, mixed signs, real-world context
        • Determine differences between integers, various signs, real-world context
    • Multiplication of Integers
      • Modeling Multiplication of Integers
        • Multiply integers using counters
        • Multiply positive integers using number line models, includes negatives shown on number line
        • Multiply positive integers times negative integers using number line models
      • Basic Multiplication of Integers
        • Multiply integers, start one digit & advance to two digits
        • Multiply integers, opposite signs
        • Multiply negative integers
        • Multiply integers, opposite signs, two-digit times two-digit
        • Multiply negative integers, two-digit times two-digit
        • Multiply integers, opposite signs, two-digit times two- or three-digit
        • Multiply negative integers, two-digit times two- or three-digit
        • Multiply three integers
      • Application of Multiplication of Integers
        • Multiply positive integers, real-world context
        • Multiply integers, mixed signs, real-world context
    • Division of Integers
      • Modeling Division of Integers
        • Divide integers using counters
        • Divide integers, both positive, up to two-digit dividend, number line model
        • Divide integers, opposite signs, up to two-digit dividend, number line model
      • Basic Division of Integers
        • Divide integers, opposite signs, up to three-digit dividend, up to two-digit divisor
        • Divide integers, both negative, up to three-digit dividend, up to two-digit divisor
        • Divide integers, opposite signs, up to five-digit dividend, up to two-digit divisor
        • Divide integers, both negative, up to five-digit dividend, up to two-digit divisor
        • Divide integers, one or both negative, start one-digit, advance up to three-digits
        • Divide integers, one or both negative, start one-digit, advance up to three-digits, includes undefined
      • Application of Division of Integers
        • Divide integers, same signs, real-world context
        • Divide integers, opposite signs, real-world context
    • Mixed Operations of Integers
      • Determine number of zero pairs or evaluate expressions using counters
      • Condensed: Add or subtract integers using counters
      • Estimate sums & differences of integers using front-end rounding
      • Add or subtract three integers
      • Add or subtract four integers
      • Multiply & divide three integers
      • Condensed: Multiply & divide integers
      • Condensed: Add, subtract, multiply, & divide integers
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, real-world context
    • Order of Operations of Integers, Sum & Difference Only
      • Evaluate sum or difference of three integers, at least one difference
      • Evaluate sum or difference of four integers, at least one difference
      • Evaluate sum or difference of four integers, two grouped in parentheses, at least one difference
      • Evaluate sum or difference of four integers, two grouped in absolute value, at least one difference
      • Evaluate sum or difference of six integers, two grouped in parentheses, two grouped in absolute value, at least one difference
    • Order of Operations of Integers
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, three or four integers, including multiplication & division
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, three or four integers, including multiplication & division as fraction
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, three or four integers, one exponent, including multiplication
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, four integers, including multiplication & exponents
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, five integers, two grouped in parentheses, including multiplication & division
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, five integers, two grouped in absolute value, including multiplication & division
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, five integers, one exponent, two grouped in parentheses, including multiplication & division
      • Evaluate numerical expression quotients, five to seven integers, one exponent, including multiplication, division, & absolute value
      • Evaluate numerical expression quotients, five to seven integers, including multiplication, division, & absolute value
      • Condensed: Evaluate numerical expressions
  • Fractions
    • Converting Fractions
      • Converting Fractions to Decimals
        • Identify & determine decimal equivalent of fractions, denominator less than 10
        • Convert fractions to decimals, denominator power of 10
        • Convert fractions to decimals, denominator factor of power of 10
        • Convert fractions to decimals, denominator factor of 100
        • Convert fractions to rounded decimals
        • Convert fractions to decimals, including improper fractions, including repeating decimals
        • Convert mixed numbers to decimals, including repeating decimals
        • Convert fractions to decimals, up to two decimal places, real-world context
      • Converting Fractions to Percents or Decimals
        • Convert fractions to percents, denominator factor of 100
        • Convert fractions to percents, denominator factor of 100, rounding directions
        • Convert fractions to rounded percents
        • Convert improper fractions to rounded percents
        • Condensed: Convert proper & improper fractions to rounded percents
        • Convert fractions to mixed number percents
        • Convert fractions to mixed number percents over 100
        • Condensed: Convert fractions to decimals & percents
    • Addition of Fractions
      • Basic Addition of Fractions, Only Positives
        • Add fractions, one denominator multiple of other, including improper sums
        • Add fractions, one denominator multiple of other, including mixed number sums
        • Add fractions, different denominators, including improper sums
        • Add fractions, different denominators, including mixed number sums
        • Add mixed numbers, different denominators
        • Add mixed numbers, different denominators, fractional sum greater than one
      • Basic Addition of Fractions, Including Negatives
        • Add fractions, common denominators, at least one negative
        • Add fractions, common denominators, at least one negative, including improper differences
        • Condensed: Add fractions, common denominators
        • Condensed: Add fractions, common denominators, including improper sums
        • Add fractions, different denominators, at least one negative
        • Condensed: Add fractions, different denominators
        • Condensed: Add fractions, no mixed numbers
        • Add fractions, different denominators, at least one negative, including improper differences
        • Condensed: Add fractions, including improper sums
        • Condensed: Add fractions, different denominators, including improper sums
        • Condensed: Add fractions, including mixed numbers
        • Add mixed numbers, different denominators, at least one negative
      • Application of Addition of Fractions
        • Add fractions, mixed signs, real-world context
        • Add fractions, mixed signs, including improper sums, real-world context
        • Add mixed numbers, mixed signs, real-world context
    • Subtraction of Fractions
      • Basic Subtraction of Fractions, Only Positives
        • Subtract fractions, one denominator multiple of other, proper fraction difference
        • Subtract fractions, one denominator multiple of other, including improper differences
        • Subtract fractions, different denominators, positive proper differences
        • Subtract fractions, different denominators, including mixed number differences
        • Subtract mixed numbers, different denominators
        • Subtract mixed numbers, different denominators, borrowing required
      • Basic Subtraction of Fractions, Common Denominators
        • Subtract fractions, common denominators, at least one negative
        • Subtract fractions, common denominators, including improper differences
        • Subtract fractions, common denominators, at least one negative, including improper differences
        • Condensed: Subtract fractions, common denominators
        • Condensed: Subtract fractions, common denominators, including improper differences
      • Basic Subtraction of Fractions, Including Negatives
        • Subtract fractions, different denominators, at least one negative
        • Condensed: Subtract fractions, different denominators
        • Condensed: Subtract fractions, no mixed numbers
        • Subtract fractions, different denominators, at least one negative, including improper differences
        • Subtract fractions, different denominators, negative proper differences
        • Condensed: Subtract fractions, different denominators, including improper differences
        • Condensed: Subtract fractions, including improper differences
        • Subtract mixed numbers, different denominators, at least one negative
        • Subtract mixed numbers, different denominators, borrowing required, negative difference
        • Condensed: Subtract fractions, including mixed numbers
        • Subtract fractions, different denominators, negative difference
      • Application of Subtraction of Fractions
        • Subtract fractions, mixed signs, including improper differences, real-world context
        • Subtract mixed numbers, mixed signs, real-world context
    • Multiplication of Fractions
      • Application & Modeling of Multiplication of Fractions
        • Multiply whole numbers & fractions, area models
        • Multiply whole numbers & fractions, real-world context
        • Multiply fractions, positive, real-world context
        • Multiply fractions & mixed numbers, mixed signs, real-world context
      • Basic Multiplication of Fractions, Only Positives
        • Multiply whole numbers & unit fractions, whole number first
        • Multiply whole numbers & unit fractions
        • Multiply whole numbers & fractions, positive
        • Multiply proper & improper fractions, positive
        • Multiply fractions, positive
        • Multiply fractions, positive, mixed number directions
        • Multiply mixed numbers, positive
      • Basic Multiplication of Fractions, Including Negatives
        • Multiply whole numbers & fractions, mixed signs
        • Multiply fractions, mixed signs
        • Multiply proper & improper fractions, mixed signs
        • Condensed: Multiply fractions, including mixed signs
        • Multiply fractions, mixed signs, mixed number directions
        • Condensed: Multiply fractions, including mixed signs, mixed number directions
        • Multiply mixed numbers, mixed signs
        • Condensed: Multiply fraction & mixed numbers, including mixed signs, mixed number directions
    • Division of Fractions
      • Basic Division of Fractions, Only Positives
        • Divide whole numbers by unit fractions
        • Divide fractions, positive
        • Divide fractions, positive, mixed number directions
        • Divide mixed numbers, positive
      • Basic Division of Fractions, Including Negatives
        • Divide fractions, mixed signs
        • Condensed: Divide fractions, including mixed signs
        • Divide fractions, mixed signs, mixed number directions
        • Condensed: Divide fractions, including mixed signs, mixed number directions
        • Divide mixed numbers, mixed signs
        • Condensed: Divide fractions & mixed numbers, including mixed signs, mixed number directions
      • Application of Division of Fractions
        • Determine or estimate quotients of whole numbers, fraction quotients
        • Divide whole numbers & unit fractions, including unit fraction multiplication, real-world context
        • Divide fractions & whole numbers, mixed signs, real-world context
        • Divide fractions & mixed numbers, positive, real-world context
        • Divide fractions, mixed numbers, & whole numbers, multi-step, real-world context
    • Mixed Operations of Fractions
      • Basic Mixed Operations of Fractions
        • Add or subtract fractions, different denominators, at least one negative, including improper results
        • Add or subtract fractions, different denominators, at least one negative, including mixed number results
        • Condensed: Add or subtract fractions
        • Condensed: Add or subtract fractions, different denominators
        • Add or subtract mixed numbers, different denominators, at least one negative, fractional sum greater than one
        • Multiply & divide three fractions, mixed signs
        • Add or subtract three fractions, positive & negative, different denominators
        • Add or subtract four fractions, positive & negative, different denominators
      • Application of Mixed Operations of Fractions
        • Add or subtract fractions, including estimation, real-world context
        • Add & subtract fractions, real-world context
  • Decimals
    • Converting Decimals
      • Convert decimals to percents
      • Convert decimals to percents over 100
      • Convert decimals to fractions
      • Convert decimals to mixed numbers
      • Convert decimals to fractions or mixed numbers
      • Convert decimals to fractions or mixed numbers, including repeating decimals of thirds
      • Convert decimals to fractions or mixed numbers, including repeating decimals
      • Condensed: Convert decimals to fractions & percents
    • Addition of Decimals
      • Basic Addition of Decimals, Only Positives
        • Add decimals, positive, up to two decimal places
        • Add positive decimals, up to three decimal places
        • Add decimals, positive, up to four decimal places
      • Basic Addition of Decimals, Including Negatives
        • Add positive decimals, up to three decimal places
        • Add negative decimals, up to three decimal places
        • Add positive & negative decimals, up to three decimal places, positive sum
        • Add positive & negative decimals, up to three decimal places, negative sum
        • Condensed: Add decimals, up to three decimal places
      • Application of Addition of Decimals
        • Add decimals, positive, up to two decimal places, real-world context
        • Condensed: Add decimals, positive, up to two decimal places, including real-world context
        • Add decimals, up to hundredths, same signs, real-world context
        • Add decimals, up to two decimal places, mixed signs, real-world context
        • Condensed: Add decimals, up to three decimal places, real-world context
    • Subtraction of Decimals
      • Basic Subtraction of Decimals, Only Positives
        • Subtract decimals, up to two decimal places
        • Subtract decimals, two decimal places
        • Subtract decimals, up to three decimal places, positive difference
      • Basic Subtraction of Decimals, Including Negatives
        • Subtract decimals, up to three decimal places, negative difference
        • Subtract decimals, both negative, up to three decimal places, positive difference
        • Subtract decimals, both negative, up to three decimal places, negative difference
        • Subtract decimals, opposite signs, up to three decimal places, positive difference
        • Subtract decimals, opposite signs, up to three decimal places, negative difference
        • Condensed: Subtract decimals, up to three decimal places
      • Application of Subtraction of Decimals
        • Subtract decimals, same signs, up to two decimal places, real-world context
        • Subtract decimals, mixed signs, up to two decimal places, real-world context
        • Subtract decimals, up to two decimal places, real-world context
        • Condensed: Subtract decimals, up to two decimal places, including real-world context
    • Multiplication of Decimals
      • Basic Multiplication of Decimals, Only Positives
        • Multiply decimals times one-digit whole numbers
        • Multiply positive decimals, each factor up to two decimal places, factors up to 10 after decimal shift
        • Multiply positive decimals, each factor up to two decimal places, factors up to 20
        • Multiply positive decimals, each factor up to two decimal places
        • Multiply decimals, products limited to two decimal places
        • Multiply positive decimals, each factor up to three decimal places
        • Multiply three positive decimals, products limited to three decimal places
        • Condensed: Multiply decimals
      • Basic Multiplicaition of Decimals, Including Negatives
        • Multiply decimals, both negative, each factor up to two decimal places with one non-zero digit
        • Multiply decimals, opposite signs, each factor up to two decimal places with one non-zero digit
        • Multiply decimals, both negative, each factor up to two decimal places, including integers up to 19
        • Multiply decimals, opposite signs, each factor up to two decimal places, including integers up to 19
        • Multiply decimals, both negative, each factor up to two decimal places
        • Multiply decimals, opposite signs, each factor up to two decimal places, including integers up to 99
        • Multiply decimals, both negative, each factor up to three decimal places
        • Multiply decimals, opposite signs, each factor up to three decimal places
        • Condensed: Multiply decimals, mixed signs
      • Application of Multiplication of Decimals
        • Multiply decimals, products limited to two decimal places, real-world context
        • Multiply decimals, mixed signs, real-world context
        • Multiply decimals, real-world context
    • Division of Decimals
      • Basic Division of Decimals, Only Positives
        • Divide whole numbers by decimals, up to two decimal places, integer quotients
        • Divide decimals by whole numbers, up to two decimal places
        • Divide decimals, up to two decimal places in quotients
        • Divide decimals, up to three decimal places
        • Divide decimals, up to three decimal places in dividend & divisor
        • Condensed: Divide decimals or whole numbers
      • Basic Division of Decimals, Including Negatives
        • Divide integers by decimals, two-digit dividend, divisor up to two decimal places, both negative
        • Divide integers by decimals, two-digit dividend, divisor up to two decimal places, opposite signs
        • Divide integers by decimals, two-digit dividend, divisor up to two decimal places, mixed signs
        • Divide decimals, up to three decimal places, both negative
        • Divide decimals, up to three decimal places, opposite signs
        • Divide decimals, up to three decimal places
        • Divide decimals, dividend up to four decimal places, divisor integer or up to two decimal places, both negative
        • Divide decimals, dividend up to four decimal places, divisor integer or up to two decimal places, opposite signs
        • Divide decimals, up to four decimal places
        • Condensed: Divide decimals, mixed signs
      • Application of Division of Decimals
        • Divide decimals, up to three decimal places, real-world context
        • Divide four-digit dividends by two-digit whole number divisors, including real-world context
        • Divide decimals, same signs, real-world context
        • Divide decimals, mixed signs, real-world context
    • Mixed Operations of Decimals
      • Condensed: Add & subtract decimals, up to two decimal places
      • Condensed: Add & subtract decimals, up to two decimal places, including real-world context
      • Add & subtract decimals, up to two decimal places, real-world context
      • Condensed: Add & subtract decimals, up to two decimal places, real-world context
      • Add or subtract three decimals, positive & negative, hundredths
      • Add or subtract four decimals, positive & negative, hundredths
      • Multiply & divide three decimals, mixed signs
      • Condensed: Add, subtract, multiply, & divide decimals, up to two decimal places
  • Rational Numbers
    • Classifying Rational Numbers
      • Classify rational numbers by definitions
      • Classify rational numbers using graphic organizers
      • Classify rational numbers, including graphic organizers
      • Determine relationships between subsets of real numbers
      • Determine relationships between subsets of rational numbers
    • Absolute Value of Rational Numbers
      • Determine absolute value of integers
      • Determine absolute value of rational numbers
      • Determine absolute value of integers, including real-world context
      • Determine absolute value of numeric expression
    • Comparing & Ordering Rational Numbers
      • Condensed: Order positive decimals & fractions
      • Order decimals & fractions
      • Order positive rational numbers, no radicals, no exponents
      • Order rational numbers, no radicals, no exponents
      • Given table, order rational numbers, real-world context
      • Given set or list, order rational numbers, real-world context
      • Order real numbers, exponents are positive
      • Order real numbers, positive exponents, percents are whole, including real-world context
      • Order real numbers, positive exponents, percents are whole, including real-world context
    • Estimating Rational Numbers
      • Basic Estimating of Rational Numbers
        • Estimate sum of rational numbers, round both to nearest whole
        • Estimate differences of rational numbers
        • Estimate products of mixed numbers
        • Estimate products of rational numbers, no decimals, round both factors to same place value
        • Estimate products of rational numbers
        • Estimate quotients of rational numbers, no decimals 
      • Application of Estimating Rational Numbers
        • Estimate sum of rational numbers, round both to nearest whole, real-world context
        • Estimate differences of rational numbers, real-world context
        • Estimate products of positive rational numbers, real-world contexts
        • Estimate products of rational numbers, no decimals, round both factors to nearest whole number, real-world context
        • Estimate quotients of rational numbers, no decimals, real-world context
        • Estimate quotients of rational numbers, real-world context
    • Order of Operations of Rational Numbers
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, # ± #(#), decimals
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, #/# + #, decimals
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, #(# + #), decimals
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, decimals, no exponents
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, fractions, no exponents
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, decimals & fractions, no exponents
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, decimals
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, fractions
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, decimals & fractions
      • Evaluate numerical expressions, including rationals & up to two sets of grouping symbols
    • Mixed Operations of Rational Numbers
      • Multiply decimals times fractions, at least one negative
      • Multiply fractions times decimals, at least one negative
      • Condensed: Multiply decimals & fractions
      • Divide decimal by fraction, both less than one, both positive
      • Divide fraction by decimal, both less than one, both positive
      • Divide decimal by fraction, both less than one, mixed signs
      • Divide fraction by decimal, both less than one, mixed signs
      • Condensed: Divide decimals & fractions, both less than one
      • Solve multi-step problems with rational numbers, including percents, real-world context
  • Scientific Notation
    • Basic Scientific Notation
      • Identify correct conversion of number from scientific notation with positive exponent to standard form
      • Identify correct conversion of number from scientific notation with negative exponent to standard form
      • Identify correct conversion of number from standard form to scientific notation with positive exponent
      • Identify correct conversion of number from standard form to scientific notation with negative exponent
      • Convert number from scientific notation with positive exponent to standard form
      • Convert number from scientific notation with negative exponent to standard form
      • Multiply decimal or whole number & 10 to negative exponent
      • Convert number from standard form to scientific notation with positive exponent
      • Convert number from standard form to scientific notation with negative exponent
      • Condensed: Identify correct conversion of number between scientific notation & standard form
      • Condensed: Convert number between scientific notation & standard form
    • Application of Scientific Notation
      • Convert numbers between standard form & scientific notation, real-world context
      • Convert number from standard form to scientific notation, real-world context
    • Operations with Scientific Notation
      • Add numbers in scientific notation
      • Subtract numbers in scientific notation 
      • Multiply numbers in scientific notation 
      • Divide numbers in scientific notation 
      • Condensed: Add, subtract, multiply, & divide numbers in scientific notation
    • Powers of Ten
      • Determine equivalent powers of 10 & fractions, decimals, or whole numbers
      • Round & convert number from standard form to scientific notation with positive exponent
      • Round & convert number from standard form to scientific notation with negative exponent
      • Condensed: Round & convert number from standard form to scientific notation
    • Comparing & Ordering Scientific Notation
      • Compare two numbers in scientific notation
      • Compare magnitude of numbers in scientific notation, real-world context
  • Radicals & Roots
    • Determine square roots of perfect squares
    • Solve perfect square root equations
    • Condensed: Determine square roots of perfect squares
    • Evaluate perfect cube roots
    • Solve perfect cube root equations
    • Condensed: Determine cube roots of perfect cubes
  • Expressions
    • Translating Expressions
      • Interpret numerical expressions
      • Given phrase, determine one-step algebraic expression
      • Determine algebraic expressions that represent real-world situations
      • Identify equivalent multi-step algebraic expressions & phrases
      • Determine algebraic expressions that represent real-world situations, including two-variable expressions
      • Identify algebraic expressions, involving distribution, real-world context
      • Identify equivalent expressions involving distribution, two or more terms
      • Given phrase, determine multi-step algebraic expression
      • Given phrase, determine & evaluate multi-step algebraic expression
    • Equivalent Expressions
      • Identify equivalent numerical expressions using counters
      • Identify equivalent algebraic expressions using algebra tiles
      • Identify equivalent expressions involving distribution
      • Identify equivalent expressions or determine simplified expressions
      • Identify equivalent numerical & algebraic expressions, including distribution, including real-world context
    • Evaluating Expressions
      • Basic Evaluating Expressions, Addition & Subtraction Only
        • Evaluate addition expressions for specified value, one variable, whole numbers
        • Evaluate addition expressions for specified value, one variable, at least one fraction
        • Evaluate addition expressions for specified value, one variable, at least one decimal
        • Evaluate subtraction expressions for specified value, one variable, whole numbers
        • Evaluate subtraction expressions for specified value, one variable, at least one fraction
        • Evaluate subtraction expressions for specified value, one variable, at least one decimal
      • Basic Evaluating Expressions
        • Evaluate expressions for specified value, one variable, one term, two factors
        • Evaluate expressions for specified value, one variable, one term, three factors
        • Evaluate expressions for specified value, one variable, two terms
        • Evaluate expressions for specified values, two variables, two terms
        • Evaluate expressions for specified value, one variable, two terms, only sums & differences
        • Evaluate expressions for specified values, two variables, two terms, one term with three factors
        • Evaluate expressions for specified value, one variable, two terms, multiple operations, including absolute value & powers
      • Application of Evaluating Expressions
        • Evaluate or identify expressions that represent situations from descriptions, real-world context
        • Evaluate expressions for specified values, two variables, multiple operations, including powers & real-world context
        • Condensed: Evaluate expressions, including powers, fractions, whole numbers, & decimals, including real-world context
    • Distributing or Factoring Expressions
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, distribute once, integer multiplier
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, distribute once, decimal multiplier
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, distribute once, fraction multiplier
      • Condensed: Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, distribute once, including fraction & decimal multipliers
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, distribute once, three or four grouped terms
      • Factor GCF from linear binomial expressions, both terms positive
      • Factor GCF from linear binomial expressions, both terms negative
      • Factor GCF from linear binomial expressions, mixed signs
      • Condensed: Factor GCF from linear binomial expressions
      • Distribute or factor, linear binomial expressions
    • Simplifying Variable Expressions
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, combine two terms, positives
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, combine two terms
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, positive integer coefficients
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, integer coefficients
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, rational coefficients
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, product of two factors
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, product of two or three factors, one variable factor
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, product of two or three factors
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, product of two variable factors
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, one variable, product of three factors, two variable factors
      • Simplify algebraic expressions, two variables, positive integer coefficients
  • Equations
    • Solving One-Step Equations
      • Addition One-Step Equations
        • Solve x + a = b, a > 0, b > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x + a = b, a > 0, b > 0, x < 0
        • Solve x + a = b, a > 0, b < 0, x < 0
        • Solve x + a = b, a < 0, b > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x + a = b, a < 0, b < 0, x > 0
        • Solve x + a = b, a < 0, b < 0, x < 0
        • Solve a + x = b
      • Subtraction One-Step Equations
        • Solve x – a = b, a > 0, b > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x – a = b, a > 0, b > 0, x < 0
        • Solve x – a = b, a > 0, b < 0, x > 0
        • Solve x – a = b, a < 0, b > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x – a = b, a < 0, b > 0, x < 0
        • Solve x – a = b, a < 0, b < 0, x < 0
      • Multiplication One-Step Equations
        • Solve ax = b, a > 0, b > 0
        • Solve ax = b, a > 0, b < 0
        • Solve ax = b, a < 0, b > 0
        • Solve ax = b, a < 0, b < 0
        • Solve -x = b
        • Solve x/a = b, a > 0, b > 0
        • Solve x/a = b, a > 0, b < 0
        • Solve x/a = b, a < 0, b > 0
        • Solve x/a = b, a < 0, b < 0
        • Condensed: Solve one-step linear equations, multiplication or division
        • Condensed: Solve one-step linear equations, including fractional coefficients & fractional answers
        • Solve one-step linear equations, fractional coefficients & constants
      • Division One-Step Equations
        • Solve x/a = b, a > 0, b > 0
        • Solve x/a = b, a > 0, b < 0
        • Solve x/a = b, a < 0, b > 0
        • Solve x/a = b, a < 0, b < 0
      • Solving One-Step Equations
        • Condensed: Solve one-step linear equations, addition or subtraction
        • Condensed: Solve one-step linear equations, multiplication or division
        • Solve one-step linear equations, fractional coefficients
        • Solve one-step linear equations, fractional answers
        • Solve one-step linear equations, fractional coefficients & constants
        • Condensed: Solve one-step linear equations, including fractional coefficients & fractional answers
      • Application of One-Step Equations, Addition
        • Determine addition equations, real-world context
        • Solve addition equations, real-world context
        • Determine & solve addition equations, including real-world context
        • Determine & solve or apply addition equations, real-world context
        • Determine, solve, & apply addition equations, real-world context
      • Appllication of One-Step Equations, Multiplication
        • Determine multiplication equations, real-world context
        • Determine & solve multiplication equations, real-world context
        • Determine & solve multiplication equations, including real-world context
        • Determine & solve multiplication equations, including required rounding, real-world context
        • Determine, solve, & apply multiplication equations, real-world context
        • Determine, solve, & apply multiplication equations, including required rounding, real-world context
      • Application of One-Step Equations, Mixed
        • Determine one-step equations, including decimals, real-world context
        • Given one-step linear equation, identify real-world situation represented by equation
        • Given rate & time, determine distance
        • Given distance & rate or time, determine missing quantity
    • Solving Two-Step Equations
      • Application & Modeling of Two-Step Equations
        • Solve two-step linear equations, algebra tiles, positive coefficients
        • Solve two-step linear equations, algebra tiles
        • Determine two-step linear equations, real-world context
        • Determine equations or identify real-world situations represented by one-step or two-step equations 
        • Given two-step linear equation, identify real-world situation represented by equation
        • Solve problems that can be represented by two-step equations, real-world context
        • Determine solutions to problems using common formulas, including simple interest, area & perimeter, & d = rt, real-world context
      • Multiplication Two-Step Equations with Addition
        • Solve ax + b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, a < 0, b > 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, a < 0, b < 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, b > 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, b < 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, a < 0, b < 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax + b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c < 0, x > 0
      • Multliplication Two-Step Equations with Subtraction
        • Solve ax – b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c < 0, x > 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, a < 0, b > 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, a < 0, b > 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, b < 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, b > 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, a < 0, b < 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve ax – b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve ax ± b = c
      • Division Two-Step Equations with Addition
        • Solve x/a + b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, a < 0, b > 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, a < 0, b < 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, b > 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c < 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, b < 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve x/a + b = c, a < 0, b < 0, c < 0, x < 0
      • Division Two-Step Equations with Subtraction
        • Solve x/a – b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a – b = c, a > 0, b < 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve x/a – b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a – b = c, a < 0, b < 0, c > 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a – b = c, a < 0, b > 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Condensed: Solve x/a ± b = c
        • Solve x/a – b = c, b < 0, c > 0, x < 0
        • Solve x/a – b = c, a > 0, b > 0, c < 0, x > 0
        • Solve x/a – b = c, b > 0, c < 0, x < 0
        • Solve x/a – b = c, a < 0, b > 0, c < 0, x < 0
      • Rational Coefficient Two-Step Equations
        • Determine if given value is solution to two-step linear equations
        • Solve two-step linear equations, decimal coefficients
        • Solve two-step linear equations, fractional coefficients
        • Condensed: Solve one- or two-step linear equations, fractional coefficients
    • Solving Multi-Step Equations
      • Application & Modeling of Multi-Step Equations
        • Given algebra tiles, determine & solve one-variable equations with variables on both sides
        • Solve problems that can be represented by one-step equations, including algebra tiles, real-world context
        • Determine linear equations & solve problems that can be represented by equations with distributive property on one side, real-world context
        • Determine & solve linear equations with variables on both sides, real-world context
      • Basic Multi-Step Equations
        • Solve linear equations, distributive property on one side
        • Solve three-step linear equations involving distribution of decimal multiplier
        • Solve three-step linear equations involving distribution, fractional multiplier cancels if distributed
        • Solve three-step linear equations involving distribution, fractional multiplier doesn’t cancel if distributed
        • Condensed: Solve three-step linear equations involving distribution, including fractional & decimal answers
        • Solve (ax ± b)/c = d
        • Solve linear equations, variables as numerators on both sides
        • Solve linear equations, binomials on both sides, decimals
        • Solve linear equations, binomials on both sides, fractions
        • Solve multi-step linear equations
  • Inequalities
    • Identifying & Graphing Inequalities
      • Graph inequalities on number line
      • Given graph, determine inequality
      • Determine graph from inequality or inequality from graph
      • Identify solutions to inequalities, including real-world context
    • Solving One-Step Inequalities
      • Basic One-Step Inequalities
        • Solve one-step inequalities, x + #
        • Solve one-step inequalities, x – #
        • Condensed: Solve one-step inequalities, x ± #
        • Solve one-step inequalities, a * x, a > 0
        • Solve one-step inequalities, a * x, a < 0
        • Condensed: Solve one-step inequalities, a * x
        • Solve one-step inequalities, x/a, a > 0
        • Solve one-step inequalities, x/a, a < 0
        • Condensed: Solve one-step inequalities, x/a
      • Basic Solving & Graphing of One-Step Inequalities, Addition & Subtraction
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, x + #
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, x – #
        • Condensed: Solve & graph one-step inequalities, x ± #
      • Basic Solving & Graphing One-Step Inequalities, Multiplication & Division
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, a * x, a > 0
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, a * x, a < 0
        • Condensed: Solve & graph one-step inequalities, a * x
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, x/a, a > 0
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, x/a, a < 0
        • Condensed: Solve & graph one-step inequalities, x/a
      • Basic Solving & Graphing of One-Step Inequalities, Mixed Operations
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, whole number coefficients
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, integer coefficients
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, including fractional coefficients
        • Solve & graph one-step inequalities, including negative & fractional coefficients
      • Application of One-Step Inequalities
        • Given inequality, identify phrase or real-world problem that represents inequality
        • Represent real-world problems as inequalities
        • Determine one-step inequalities, including real-world context
        • Determine one-step inequalities, rational numbers, including real-world context
        • Identify one-step inequalities that model real-world problems or interpret inequality components
        • Given one-step inequality, identify real-world problem modeled by inequality
        • Given one-step inequality, identify real-world problem modeled by inequality, rational numbers
        • Determine, solve, & graph one-step inequalities, including real-world context
    • Solving Two-Step Inequalities
      • Application & Modeling of Two-Step Inequalities
        • Determine if given value is solution to two-step inequality
        • Solve two-step inequalities modeled with algebra tiles
        • Determine two-step inequalities, rational numbers, including real-world context
        • Given two-step inequality, identify real-world problem modeled by inequality
        • Determine & solve two-step inequalities, greater than, real-world context
        • Determine & solve two-step inequalities, less than, real-world context
      • Basic Two-Step Inequalities
        • Solve two-step inequalities, integers
        • Solve two-step inequalities, decimals
        • Solve two-step inequalities, fractions
        • Condensed: Solve two-step inequalities
      • Basic Solving & Graphing of Two-Step Inequalities
        • Solve & graph two-step inequalities, integers
        • Solve & graph two-step inequalities
        • Solve & graph two-step inequalities, decimals
        • Solve & graph two-step inequalities, fractions
        • Condensed: Solve & graph two-step inequalities
  • Linear Concepts
    • Slope of a Line
      • Identifying Slope Category
        • Given linear graph, identify type of slope
        • Identify linear graph with specific type of slope
        • Given linear equation, identify type of slope
        • Given table of linear equation, identify type of slope
        • Condensed: Identify type of slope
        • Given graph of horizontal or vertical line, determine rate of change
      • Finding Slope, Given Equation
        • Given equation in slope-intercept form, determine rate of change, integer solution
        • Given equation in slope-intercept form, determine rate of change
        • Given equation of horizontal or vertical line, determine rate of change
        • Given equation in point-slope form, identify slope
        • Given linear equation in standard form, determine rate of change
        • Given table of linear equation, determine rate of change
      • Finding Slope, Given Points Or Graph
        • Given two points, determine rate of change, one coordinate is fraction
        • Given two points with integer coordinates, determine rate of change
        • Given two points, determine rate of change, integer solution, including undefined
        • Given two points, determine rate of change, two coordinates are fractions
        • Given linear graph, determine rate of change, integer solution
        • Given linear graph, determine rate of change
        • Given linear graph, determine rate of change, various scales
      • Comparing Slopes
        • Identify linear graph with most extreme rate of change
        • Identify linear table with most extreme rate of change
        • Given description, compare rates of change, real-world context
      • Finding & Using Slope
        • Given equation in slope-intercept form, determine next value in table, Δx = 1
        • Given equation in slope-intercept form, determine next value in table
        • Given equation in slope-intercept form, determine values in table
        • Given table, determine rate of change & specific value, function notation, integer rate of change
        • Given table, determine rate of change & specific value, function notation
        • Given table of linear equation, determine rate of change & specific value
    • Intercepts, Given Graph
      • Given linear graph, plot y-intercept
      • Given linear graph, plot x-intercept
      • Given linear graph, determine coordinates of y-intercept
      • Given linear graph, determine coordinates of x-intercept
      • Given linear graph, locate intercept or determine coordinates, various scales
    • Intercepts, Given Equation
      • Given linear equation in slope-intercept form, determine coordinates of y-intercept
      • Given equation of horizontal or vertical line, determine coordinates of y-intercept
      • Given linear equation in slope-intercept form, determine coordinates of x-intercept
      • Given equation of horizontal or vertical line, determine coordinates of x-intercept
      • Given linear equation in slope-intercept form, plot y-intercept
      • Given equation of horizontal or vertical line, plot y-intercept
      • Given linear equation, determine intercepts
      • Given linear equation in standard form, determine coordinates of y-intercept
    • Writing Equation of a Line
      • Writing Equation Given Point & Slope
        • Given point & integer slope, determine linear equation in point-slope form, including slope-intercept form conversion
        • Given slope & y-intercept, determine equation
        • Given point & integer slope, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form
        • Given point & integer slope or rate of change, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form
        • Given point & fractional slope, determine linear equation in point-slope form, including slope-intercept form conversion
        • Given point & fractional slope, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form, integer y-intercept
        • Given point & fractional slope, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form, fractional y-intercept
        • Given positive point & whole number slope, determine y-intercept, equation, & specific value
        • Given point & integer slope, determine y-intercept, equation, & specific value
      • Writing Equation Given Two Points
        • Given two points, determine linear equation in point-slope form, integer slope, including slope-intercept form conversion
        • Given two points, determine linear equation in point-slope form, fractional slope, including slope-intercept form conversion
        • Given two points, determine linear equation, undefined slope
        • Given two points, determine linear equation, zero slope
        • Given two points, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form, integer slope
        • Given two points, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form, fractional slope
        • Given two points, determine linear equation in standard form, integer slope, including slope-intercept form conversion
        • Given two points, determine linear equation in standard form, fractional slope, including slope-intercept form conversion
      • Writing Equation Given Various Components
        • Identify equivalent linear graphs & equations in slope-intercept form
        • Identify equivalent linear graphs & equations in slope-intercept form, various scales
        • Condensed: Identify equivalent linear graphs & equations in slope-intercept form, integers slopes, various scales
        • Given points or slope & point, determine linear equation in point-slope or standard form
        • Given points or slope & point, determine linear equation in standard form
        • Given points or slope & point, determine linear equation in various forms
        • Given intercepts, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form
        • Condensed: Given two points, determine linear equation in slope-intercept form, including horizontal & vertical lines
        • Condensed: Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form & specific value, various scales, including real-world context
      • Writing Equation Given Graph
        • Given Graph of y-Intercept of Zero, Write Equation
          • Given linear graph through origin with points shown on line, determine equation in slope-intercept form, integer slopes
          • Given linear graph through origin, determine equation in slope-intercept form, integer slope, 1 ≤ |m| ≤ 3
          • Given linear graph through origin, determine equation in slope-intercept form, integer slope
        • Given Graph with Varying y-Intercepts, Write Equation
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in point-slope form
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form, m = 1
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form, integer slopes
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form, fractional slopes
          • Given linear graph, determine slope, y-intercept, & equation
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in standard form
          • Given linear graph, identify equation, slope-intercept form
          • Given linear graph, identify equation, various forms
        • Given Graph with Varying y-Intercepts & Scales, Write Equation
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form, m = 1, various scales
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form, integer slopes, various scales
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form, m = ±1, various scales
          • Given linear graph, determine equation in slope-intercept form & specific value, various scales
          • Given linear graph, identify equation in slope-intercept form, integer slopes, various scales
          • Given equation in slope-intercept form, identify graph, integer slopes, various scales
          • Condensed: Identify equivalent linear graphs & equations in slope-intercept form, integers slopes, various scales
    • Identifying Key Features of a Linear Function
      • Given linear graph, determine slope & y-intercept, integer slope
      • Given linear graph, determine slope & y-intercept
      • Given graph of linear equation, determine slope & intercepts
      • Given table of linear equation, determine slope & intercepts
      • Given linear equation, determine slope & intercepts
      • Given linear equation in standard form, solve for y
      • Given linear equation in standard form, determine slope
      • Condensed: Given linear equation in standard form, solve for y or determine slope
    • Determining Solution of Linear Equation
      • Given horizontal or vertical linear equation, determine if point is on line
      • Given linear equation in slope-intercept form, determine if point is on line
      • Given linear equation in standard form, determine if point is on line
      • Given horizontal or vertical linear equation, identify point on line
      • Given linear equation in slope-intercept form, identify point on line
      • Given linear equation in standard form, identify point on line
      • Given graph of linear equation, identify point on line
      • Condensed: Given linear equation in slope-intercept form & graph, identify point on line
      • Identify linear & non-linear relationships, various representations
    • Equations, Graphs, & Tables
      • Equation to Table, m=1
        • Given linear equation, fill missing value in table, m = 1
        • Given linear equation & table, determine another point, m = 1
        • Given linear equation, fill missing value in table, m = 1, Δx ≥ 5
        • Given linear equation, fill table, m = 1
      • Equation to Table
        • Given horizontal or vertical linear equation, fill table
        • Given linear equation & two x-values, determine y-values in table
        • Given linear equation, fill missing value in table, integer slope
        • Given linear equation, fill missing value in table, integer slope, b = 0, Δx ≥ 5
        • Given linear equation, fill missing value in table, integer slope, Δx ≥ 5
        • Given linear equation, fill table, integer slope, b = 0
        • Given linear equation, fill table, integer slope
        • Given linear equation, determine table values
        • Given linear equation & one x-value, determine y-value in table
      • Equation to Graph
        • Standard Form to Graph
          • Given linear equation in standard form, graph
          • Given linear equation in standard form, graph, scrambled variable terms
          • Condensed: Determine linear equation in standard form & graph, including real-world context
        • Slope-Intercept Form to Graph
          • Given linear equation & table, determine graph
          • Graph linear equations, m = 1
          • Graph linear equations, m = 1, various scales
          • Given equation in slope-intercept form, graph line, m = ±1, various scales
          • Graph linear equations, integer slope, various scales
          • Graph linear equations, integer slope not including one & negative one, b = 0
          • Graph linear equations, integer slope not including one & negative one
          • Graph linear equations, including horizontal & vertical, integer slope, various scales
          • Graph linear equations, fractional slope
          • Graph linear equations, fractional slope, various scales
          • Condensed: Graph linear equations, including horizontal & vertical, various scales
          • Condensed: Given linear equation or description, determine graph, fractional slope, including real-world context
      • Basic Graphing
        • Given point & integer slope, graph line
        • Given point & slope, graph line
      • Graph to Table
        • Given linear graph with points shown on line, determine table value
        • Given linear graph through origin with points shown on line, determine table values, one table point off graph
        • Given linear graph through origin with points shown on line, determine table value, table point off graph
        • Given linear graph through origin, determine table value
        • Given linear graph, determine table value, m = 1, table point off graph
        • Given linear graph through origin, determine table values, one table point off graph
        • Given linear graph through origin, determine table value, table point off graph
        • Given linear graph, determine table value, table point off graph
      • Table to Equation
        • Given table, identify linear equation in slope-intercept form, rational constants & coefficients
        • Given table representing horizontal linear equation, determine equation
        • Given table representing vertical linear equation, determine equation
        • Given table, determine linear equation, m = 1
        • Given table, determine linear equation, integer slope, b = 0
        • Given table, determine linear equation, integer slope
    • Linear Word Problems
      • Identifying Key Features Given Verbal Description
        • Given graph or table of linear function, determine slope or y-intercept, real-world context
        • Given description of linear relationship, determine slope, y-intercept, & equation, real-world context
        • Given description of linear equation, identify graph, fractional slope, real-world context
        • Form 1 – Given slope & intercept, interpret linear relationship, determine slope-intercept equation, & graph, positive slope, only input to output questions
        • Form 2 – Given slope & intercept, interpret linear relationship, determine slope-intercept equation, & graph, positive slope
        • Form 3 – Given slope & intercept, interpret linear relationship, determine slope-intercept equation, & graph, including negative slope
        • Form 4 – Given point & slope, interpret linear relationship, determine slope-intercept equation, & graph, including negative slope
        • Form 5 – Given two points, interpret linear relationship, determine slope-intercept equation, & graph, including negative slope
        • Condensed: Forms 3 to 5 – Given linear word problem, interpret linear relationship, determine slope-intercept equation, & graph
      • Choosing Correct Model Given Verbal Description
        • Given description of linear equation, identify graph, integer slope, real-world context
        • Given linear word problem, identify graph
        • Given linear equation, interpret slope & y-intercept, real-world context
        • Given description of linear relationship, identify graph, table, or equation, real-world context
    • Proportional Relationships
      • Graphing Proportional Relationships
        • Given unit rate, determine graph of proportional relationship, real-world context
        • Given table, graph proportional linear equation
        • Graph proportional linear equation
        • Determine graph of proportional relationship, real-world context
      • Identifying Independent & Dependent Variables
        • Given table, identify dependent or independent variable
        • Given equation, identify dependent or independent variable
        • Given table or graph, identify dependent or independent variable
        • Given description, identify dependent or independent variable
      • Writing Equations, Completing Tables, or Graphing
        • Given constant of proportionality, determine table, graph, or equation
        • Given table, determine constant of proportionality, graph, or equation
        • Given graph, determine constant of proportionality, table, or equation
        • Given equation, determine constant of proportionality, graph, or table
        • Condensed: Determine equivalent representations of proportional relationships
        • Determine or identify equivalent representations of proportional relationships
        • Determine equations, tables, & graphs for proportional relationships, real-world context
        • Given visual representation of proportional relationship, determine equation, table, & graph, real-world context
      • Finding Constant of Proportionality
        • Given equation, determine constant of proportionality
        • Given equation, determine constant of proportionality, real-world context
        • Given table, determine constant of proportionality
        • Given graph, determine constant of proportionality, including real-world context
        • Determine constants of proportionality, real-world context
        • Condensed: Determine constants of proportionality
        • Identify linear graph with most extreme rate of change
        • Identify linear table with most extreme rate of change
        • Compare rates of changes represented differently
        • Given description, compare rates of change, real-world context
    • Proportional & Non-Proportional
      • Additive & Multiplicative Relationships
        • Given table, determine additive or multiplicative equation
        • Identify graphs of additive & multiplicative relationships 
        • Condensed: Given additive or multiplicative relationship in table, determine equation
        • Identify equivalent representations of additive & multiplicative relationships, including decimals & fractions
        • Identify situations modeled by additive & multiplicative relationships
        • Identify components of additive & multiplicative equations
      • Completing Tables or Graphing
        • Given linear equation & table, identify graph
        • Identify tables that represent real-world situations, y = mx or y = x + b
        • Given linear equation, determine y-values in table, real-world context
        • Given linear equation, determine y-values in table & identify graph, first quadrant
        • Given slope-intercept equation, determine table & identify graph
        • Given linear equation & table, determine graph
      • Writing Equations
        • Given linear graph & table, determine equation
        • Determine equations that represent real-world situations, y = mx or y = x + b
        • Determine equations that represent real-world situations, including two-step equations
        • Given additive relationship in table, determine equation
        • Given multiplicative relationship in table, determine equation
        • Identify equivalent representations of additive & multiplicative relationships
        • Identify situations modeled by tables or equations, y = mx or y = x + b
      • Writing Equations, Completing Tables, or Graphing Mixed
        • Condensed: Determine tables or equations of additive & multiplicative relationships
        • Condensed: Determine equations & graphs of additive & multiplicative relationships
        • Identify representation of proportional relationship, various representations, real-world context
      • Identifying Proportional vs. Non-Proportional
        • Identify equations showing proportional relationship
        • Identify graphs showing proportional relationship
        • Identify tables showing proportional relationship
        • Identify tables, graphs, or equations showing proportional relationship
        • Identify proportional & non-proportional relationships, real-world context
  • Geometry
    • Perimeter & Area
      • Rectangle Perimeter
        • Determine perimeter of rectangles
        • Given sides of rectangle, determine perimeter
        • Given sides of rectangle, determine perimeter
        • Determine perimeter of rectangles, including decimal dimensions
        • Determine perimeter of rectangles, real-world context
        • Determine perimeter of rectangles, including decimal dimensions, real-world context
        • Condensed: Determine perimeter of rectangles, including real-world context
        • Given perimeter of rectangle & one side, determine dimension
        • Given perimeter of rectangle & one side, determine dimension, including decimals
        • Given perimeter & relationship between sides, determine specific dimension
        • Given perimeter & one dimension of rectangle, determine missing dimension
      • Rectangle Area
        • Given sides of rectangle, determine area, model provided
        • Given sides of rectangle, determine area
        • Given area & one dimension of rectangle, determine missing dimension
        • Determine area of missing dimension of rectangles, real-world context
        • Given sides of rectangle & cost per square unit, determine area & total cost, real-world context
      • Parallelogram Perimeter & Area
        • Determine area of parallelograms, model provided
        • Determine area of parallelograms
        • Determine area or perimeter of parallelograms
        • Given area & one dimension of parallelogram, determine missing dimension
      • Trapezoid Area
        • Determine area of trapezoids
        • Given area & base lengths of trapezoid, determine height
      • Triangle Area
        • Determine area of triangles, internal height
        • Determine area of triangles, external height
        • Determine area of triangles
        • Determine area of triangles, internal height, mixed numbers
        • Determine area of triangles, external height, mixed numbers
        • Determine area of triangles, mixed numbers
        • Given area & one dimension of triangle, determine missing dimension
        • Given area & one dimension of triangle, determine missing dimension, mixed numbers
      • Circle Circumference & Area
        • Determine circumference of circle, exact answers, multiple choice, including real-world context
        • Given radius or diameter, determine circumference
        • Determine area of circle, exact answers, including real-world context
        • Given radius or diameter, determine area
        • Given radius or diameter, determine area or circumference
        • Condensed: Determine area or circumference of circle
        • Determine areas of semicircles & quarter circles
        • Given circumference of circle, determine radius or diameter
        • Condensed: Given area or circumference of circle, determine radius or diameter
        • Identify approximate formulas for circumference & area of circles
      • Compound Figure Area
        • Determine area of shaded region between nested rectangles
        • Determine area of shaded region between nested shapes
        • Determine area of composite figures, rectangle with various figures attached, no circular parts
        • Determine area of composite figures, no circular shapes
        • Determine area of composite figures, rectangle with various figures attached
        • Determine area of composite figures, at least three subdivisions
        • Determine area of composite figures
        • Determine area of composite figures, real-world context
      • Mixed Figures Perimeter & Area
        • Identify formulas for area & perimeter of basic shapes
        • Determine perimeter of polygons, including real-world context
        • Determine areas of rectangles & parallelograms
        • Determine areas of triangles & trapezoids
        • Determine area of polygons in coordinate plane, real-world context
        • Determine area of shaded region between nested shapes
        • Given coordinates of vertices, determine side lengths & perimeter of polygons
        • Given area, determine dimensions of rectangles & parallelograms
        • Given area, determine dimensions of triangles
        • Condensed: Determine areas & dimensions of rectangles & parallelograms
        • Condensed: Determine areas & dimensions of triangles & trapezoids
    • Surface Area & Volume
      • Net Surface Area
        • Given net, determine surface area of prisms 
        • Given net, determine surface area of pyramids
        • Given net, determine surface area of prisms & pyramids
        • Given net, determine surface area of rectangular & triangular prisms & pyramids
        • Given net, determine lateral surface area of prisms 
        • Given net, determine lateral surface area of pyramids
        • Given net, determine lateral surface area of prisms & pyramids, real-world context
        • Condensed: Given net, determine surface area & lateral surface area of prisms & pyramids, including real-world context
      • Rectangular Prism Surface Area & Volume
        • Determine surface area of rectangular prisms
        • Given base area & edge or all edges, determine volume of rectangular prism
        • Determine volume of rectangular prisms, whole numbers or decimals
        • Determine volume of rectangular prisms, whole numbers, decimals, or fractions
        • Determine volumes of rectangular prisms, rational dimensions, real-world context
        • Determine equations for volume of rectangular prisms, rational dimensions, real-world context
        • Determine volume of rectangular prisms using various representations of cubic units, real-world context
        • Determine volume of rectangular prisms & apply associative property to volume expressions
        • Given volume, determine edges of rectangular prisms
        • Determine volume or edge of rectangular prisms, whole numbers
        • Determine volume or edge of rectangular prisms, whole numbers, decimals, or fractions, real-world context
        • Condensed: Determine volumes or edges of rectangular prisms, whole numbers, decimals, or fractions, including real-world context
      • Cube Volume
        • Determine volume of cubes, whole numbers or decimals
        • Determine volume of rectangular prisms, whole numbers or decimals
      • Cylinder Surface Area & Volume
        • Given base area & height, determine volume of cylinder
        • Determine volume of cylinders
        • Determine surface area of cylinders
        • Determine lateral surface area of cylinders
        • Given volume, determine dimension of cylinder
        • Given surface area, determine dimension of cylinder
      • Pyramid Surface Area & Volume
        • Determine volume of pyramids
        • Determine surface area of pyramids
        • Given volume, determine dimension of pyramid
      • Mixed Figures Surface Area & Volume
        • Determine volumes of rectangular & triangular prisms, fractional dimensions
        • Determine surface areas of 3D figures, no circles
        • Determine surface area of 3D figures, real-world context
        • Identify & determine relationship between volumes of rectangular prisms & pyramids
        • Identify & determine relationship between volumes of triangular prisms & pyramids
        • Condensed: Identify & determine relationship between volumes of prisms & pyramids
    • Properties of Quadrilaterals & Triangles
      • Classifying Triangles
        • Given three sides, classify triangles
        • Classify triangles based on angles & sides
      • Triangle Angle Sum Theorem
        • Given two angle measures in triangle, determine angle measure
        • Apply triangle angle sum theorem to determine angles, multiple algebraic expressions
      • Triangle Angle-Side Relationships
        • Determine smallest & largest sides or angles in triangle
        • Order angles in triangles
        • Condensed: Determine angles & order side lengths & angles in triangles, including algebraic expressions
      • Triangle Inequality Theorem
        • Apply triangle inequality theorem to determine side lengths
        • Apply triangle inequality theorem to determine range of values for unknown side
      • Equilateral & Isosceles Triangles
        • Solve problems involving perimeter of equilateral triangles
        • Solve problems involving perimeter of isosceles triangles
        • Condensed: Solve problems involving perimeter of equilateral & isosceles triangles
        • Determine angle measure in isosceles triangle, at most one algebraic expression
        • Given equilateral triangle & algebraic expression for angle, solve for variable 
        • Determine angle measure in isosceles triangle, up to two algebraic expressions
        • Given equilateral triangle & algebraic expressions for sides, solve for variable or determine side length
    • Similar Figures
      • Similar Triangles
        • Determine similar triangles using SAS similarity
        • Determine similar triangles using SSS similarity
        • Condensed: Determine similar triangles using SAS or SSS similarity
        • Determine angles of similar triangles using AA similarity
        • Determine sides of similar triangles using AA similarity
        • Determine similarity of triangles using AA similarity
        • Given similar triangles, determine perimeter
        • Given similar triangles, determine area
      • Similar Polygons
        • Identify corresponding parts of similar figures
        • Given similar figures, identify proportion of side lengths, triangles & quadrilaterals
        • Given similar figures, identify proportion of side lengths, image orientations differ
        • Identify similar polygons
        • Determine dimensions in similar figures, whole number dimensions
        • Determine dimensions using similar figures & indirect measurements
        • Determine dimensions in similar figures
        • Determine parts using similar triangles, including real-world context
        • Given similar rectangles, determine perimeter
    • Coordinate Plane
      • Basic Coordinates, First Quadrant
        • Determine coordinates of first quadrant points
        • Determine coordinates of first quadrant point, various scales
        • Determine coordinates of first quadrant rational points
        • Plot first quadrant points
        • Plot first quadrant points, various scales
        • Plot first quadrant rational points
        • Plot or determine coordinates of first quadrant points
        • Condensed: Plot or determine coordinates of first quadrant points
        • Condensed: Plot or determine coordinates of first quadrant rational points, various scales
      • Application of Coordinates, First Quadrant
        • Identify description of process to plot first quadrant points
        • Identify locations or parts of coordinate plane using first quadrant points
        • Identify first quadrant points or parts of coordinate plane
        • Determine or identify first quadrant points, real-world context
        • Determine or identify first quadrant points, including cardinal directions, real-world context
        • Condensed: Plot or determine coordinates of first quadrant rational points
      • Integral Coordinates, All Quadrants
        • Given integer point on graph, determine coordinates, point on axis
        • Given integer point on graph, determine coordinates
        • Given lattice point, determine coordinates
        • Plot integer points on coordinate plane, point on axis
        • Plot integer points
        • Plot points on coordinate plane, student selects scales
        • Condensed: Plot integer points or determine coordinates
      • Rational Coordinates, All Quadrants
        • Given rational point, determine location on coordinate plane
        • Plot rational points on coordinate plane
        • Plot rational points on coordinate plane, graph scale at most one-half
        • Plot or identify rational points on coordinate plane
        • Condensed: Plot or identify points on coordinate plane
      • Distance
        • Determine distance between points on coordinate plane, horizontal or vertical
        • Determine distance between points on coordinate plane, horizontal or vertical, real-world context
      • Transformations
        • Reflections
          • Determine coordinates of reflected points
          • Identify rule or reflected point on coordinate plane
          • Given figure on coordinate plane, determine reflected coordinates
          • Given coordinate vertices of figure, determine reflected image
        • Translations
          • Identify rule or determine translated point on coordinate plane
          • Given figure on coordinate plane, determine translated coordinates
          • Given coordinate vertices of figure, determine translated image
        • Rotations
          • Identify rule or rotated point on coordinate plane
          • Given figure on coordinate plane, determine rotated coordinates
          • Given coordinate vertices of figure, determine rotated image
        • Dilations
          • Identify rule or dilated point on coordinate plane, including variable scale factors
          • Identify characteristics of dilations
        • Mixed Transformations
          • Identify characteristics of transformed lines
          • Identify characteristics of transformed parallel lines
          • Identify characteristics of transformed line segments
          • Identify characteristics of transformed angles
          • Identify characteristics of transformed lines, segments, & angles
          • Identify characteristics of transformations
          • Identify rule or determine transformed point on coordinate plane
          • Identify rule for transformed shape on coordinate plane
          • Composition of transformations on coordinate plane
          • Identify reflections & rotations on coordinate plane
          • Condensed: Identify rule or determine transformed point on coordinate plane
          • Condensed: Given figure on coordinate plane or coordinate vertices, determine transformed image or coordinates
        • Mixed Transformations, Congruence
          • Given similar figures, identify description of transformations
          • Identify congruence transformations
          • Given congruent figures, identify description of transformations
          • Condensed: Given similar or congruent figures, identify description of transformations
    • 3D Figures
      • Identify 3D figures & their bases
      • Determine 2D orthographic representation of 3D blocks
      • Identify equivalent representations of 3D figures & nets
    • Angles
      • Classifying Angles
        • Identify angle names
        • Identify angle pairs
      • Vertical Angles & Adjacent Angles
        • Given vertical angles, determine angle measure 
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine vertical angle
        • Given figure, determine missing part of adjacent angle
        • Given vertical angles, determine angle measure, one algebraic expression
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine vertical angle, algebraic expressions
      • Complementary Angles
        • Given complementary angles, determine angle measure 
        • Given complementary angles, determine angle measure, one algebraic expression
      • Supplementary Angles
        • Given supplementary angles, determine angle measure 
        • Given vertical angles, determine supplementary angle measure
        • Given supplementary angles, determine angle measure, one algebraic expression
      • Alternate Interior & Alternate Exterior Angles
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine alternate interior angle
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine alternate exterior angle
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine alternate interior angle, algebraic expressions
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine alternate exterior angle, algebraic expressions
      • Corresponding & Same-Side Interior Angles
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine corresponding angle
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine same-side interior angle
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine corresponding angle, algebraic expressions
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine same-side interior angle, algebraic expressions
      • Adjacent, Vertical, Supplementary, & Complementary Angles
        • Determine angle measures, including figures or descriptions
        • Determine complementary, supplementary, or equivalent angle measures
        • Given vertical, complementary, or supplementary angles, determine angle measure, one algebraic expression
        • Determine angle measures in figures, one-step algebraic expressions
        • Given vertical angles, determine supplementary angle measure, algebraic expressions
        • Determine complementary, supplementary, or equivalent angle measures, algebraic expressions
        • Determine angle measures in figures, algebraic expressions
        • Determine angle measures in figures, two algebraic expressions
      • Mixed Angles Formed by Transversals
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, identify specified angle pairs, uses “consecutive” terminology
        • Given parallel lines with transversal, identify specified angle pairs, only numbered angles, uses “consecutive” terminology
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine supplement to corresponding angle
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine specified angle
        • Determine angle measures involving parallel lines, one-step algebraic expressions
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine specified angle, algebraic expressions
        • Determine angle measures involving parallel lines, algebraic expressions
        • Determine angle measures involving parallel lines, algebraic expressions
        • Given parallel lines with transversal & angle, determine supplement to corresponding angle, algebraic expressions
    • Scale
      • Given scale, determine specified dimension in scaled figure, real-world context
      • Given scale, determine area in scaled figure, real-world context
      • Compare measurements drawn with different scale factors
      • Compare measurements of scaled shapes, including 3D shapes
  • Ratios, Rates, & Proportions
    • Ratios
      • Simplifying Ratios
        • Given ratio, identify table
        • Condensed: Simplify ratios, identify equivalent ratios, & determine missing components of proportions
        • Condensed: Determine ratios, relationship between ratio terms, & specified quantities, real-world context
      • Representing Ratios
        • Determine part to whole ratio, strip diagrams, real-world context
        • Determine part to part ratio, strip diagrams, real-world context
        • Determine part to whole ratio, decimal grids
        • Determine part to part ratio, decimal grids
        • Determine part to whole ratio, double number lines, real-world context
        • Determine part to part ratio, including double number lines, including real-world context
        • Determine part to whole ratio, various models
        • Determine part to part ratio, various models
      • Application of Ratios
        • Given table, determine ratios, integers
        • Compare rates or determine specified values in proportional relationships, real-world context
        • Compare rates
        • Determine specified values in proportional relationships, real-world context
        • Given double number line model, determine percent or specified quantity, real-world context
        • Condensed: Given extended ratio, determine ratio or specified quantity, real-world context
    • Rates
      • Basic Unit Rates
        • Identify unit rates
        • Given unit rate, determine specified value in proportional relationship, real-world context
        • Determine unit rates, ratio tables, real-world context
        • Determine unit rates, strip diagrams, real-world context
        • Given double number line, determine unit rate, real-world context
      • Application of Rates
        • Determine unit rates, whole numbers, real-world context
        • Determine unit rates, fractions, real-world context
        • Determine unit rates, mixed numbers, real-world context
        • Given rate, convert time unit to determine quantity over time interval, real-world context
        • Given rate of travel, determine distance or time
        • Determine & compare unit rates, real-world context
    • Proportions
      • Basic Proportions
        • Solve proportions, whole numbers
        • Solve proportions
        • Solve proportions, mixed number components, whole number cross products
        • Solve proportions, mixed number components
      • Application of Proportions
        • Solve proportions to convert measurement units
        • Given proportional relationship, determine specified quantity, real-world context
        • Solve proportions, exact answers, real-world context
        • Solve proportions, rounded answers, real-world context
        • Solve proportions involving time, real-world context
  • Percents
    • Converting Percents
      • Convert percents to decimals
      • Convert decimal percents to decimals
      • Convert decimal percents less than one to decimals
      • Convert percents to fractions 
      • Convert percents to fractions, real-world context
      • Convert percents to mixed numbers
      • Condensed: Convert percents to decimals & fractions
      • Convert repeating decimals to fractions
    • Basic Finding Total, Part, or Percent of Number
      • Given percent & whole, determine part, exact answers
      • Given part & percent, determine whole, exact answers
      • Given percent & whole, determine part, whole number answers
      • Given part & percent, determine whole
      • Given part & whole, determine percent
    • Application of Finding Total, Part, or Percent of Number
      • Given percent & whole, determine part, real-world context
      • Given part & percent, determine whole, real-world context
      • Given part & whole, determine percent, real-world context
      • Determine percent of change, whole numbers, including real-world context
      • Determine percent of change, including real-world context
      • Given percent, identify table that shows percent
      • Determine specified values in tables involving percents
      • Identify part of whole, real-world context
    • Finding Tip, Tax, Markup, Markdown, & Commission
      • Determine tips
      • Determine tax
      • Determine markups
      • Determine commissions
      • Condensed: Determine tip, tax, discount, or markup
      • Determine discount, tax, or total cost
      • Determine increases involving tips, tax, & markups
      • Determine decreases involving sales, discounts, & markdowns
    • Finding Percent of Change
      • Determine percent of change, whole numbers, including real-world context
      • Determine percent of change, including real-world context
    • Calculating Simple & Compound Interest
      • Determine simple interest
      • Determine simple interest & total amount
      • Given simple interest earned, determine principal, rate, or time
      • Determine income tax for earned wages
      • Determine savings in loan repayment based on various lengths of repayment
      • Determine compound interest
      • Determine annually compounded interest
      • Condensed: Determine compound interest on savings & loans
      • Determine & compare simple & compound interest
  • Probability & Statistics
    • Measures of Center & Spread
      • Calculating Measures of Center & Spread
        • Identify definition of mean, median, mode, or range
        • Determine mean, median, mode, or range
        • Determine mean, median, mode, or range from stem-&-leaf plots
        • Determine mean, median, mode, or range from various graphs
        • Condensed: Determine mean, median, mode, or range, including graphs
        • Determine mean, median, mode, & range
        • Determine mean, median, mode, & range from stem-&-leaf plots
        • Given various representations of data, identify mean, median, mode, & range
        • Given mean, median, mode, or range, determine missing value in data set
        • Given mean, median, or range, determine missing or additional value in data set
        • Given additional value in data set, determine change in mean, median, mode, or range
        • Determine interquartile range of data
      • Interpreting Measures of Center & Spread
        • Given various representations of data, identify outlier
        • Identify measures of center based on data distribution
        • Identify & interpret measures of center
        • Identify & interpret measures of variability
    • Graphical Displays of Data
      • Dot Plots
        • Determine mean from dot plots
        • Determine median from dot plots
        • Determine & compare means from two dot plots
        • Determine & compare medians from two dot plots
        • Determine mean absolute deviation from dot plots
        • Compare mean absolute deviations from two dot plots
        • Compare characteristics of side-by-side dot plots
      • Box Plots
        • Determine characteristics of boxplots
        • Solve problems involving interpretation of box plots
        • Solve problems involving interpretation of stacked box plots, real-world context
        • Given boxplot, determine values from five-number summary
        • Solve problems involving five-number summary
        • Condensed: Determine five-number summary, including box plots
      • Pie Charts
        • Solve problems involving interpretation of pie charts 
        • Solve problems involving interpretation of pie charts displayed using fractions, decimals, or percents
        • Determine percent of category in pie charts
      • Frequency Tables
        • Interpret two-way frequency tables, conditional distribution 
        • Interpret two-way frequency tables, marginal distribution 
        • Interpret two-way frequency tables, joint distribution 
        • Condensed: Interpret two-way frequency tables
        • Determine two-way frequency tables
        • Given two-way frequency tables, identify associations
        • Determine specified probabilities in two-way frequency tables
      • Histograms
        • Given various representations of data, determine histogram
        • Solve problems involving interpretation of histograms
      • Mixed Graphical Displays
        • Given data, determine statistical display
        • Determine or interpret shapes & features of graphs
        • Determine or interpret measures of center & spread from graphs
        • Condensed: Solve problems involving interpretation of box plots & stem-&-leaf plots
    • Statistical Data
      • Determine sample size, various representations
      • Identify biased samples & questions
      • Identify samples & populations
      • Compare data from two samples, various representations
      • Identify simulations used to acquire simple random samples
      • Identify simulations to model probability events
    • Probability
      • Basic Probability
        • Determine sample spaces
        • Classify probabilities by levels of likelihood
        • Determine probabilities of single events
        • Determine theoretical probabilities, fraction answers
        • Determine probabilities & complementary probabilities of single events, including visual models
        • Determine experimental probabilities, fraction answers
        • Determine probabilities of flipping coins specified number of times
        • Determine probabilities of flipping coins & rolling die
        • Determine probabilities & odds, including visual models
      • Compound Probability
        • Determine sample spaces
        • Determine size of sample spaces, compound events
        • Given visual model, determine “or” probability as fraction, decimal, or percent
        • Determine “or” probabilities
        • Determine “or” probabilities as fractions, decimals, or percents
        • Determine “and” probabilities, independent events, visuals provided
        • Determine “and” probabilities, independent events, same sample space
        • Determine “and” probabilities, independent events, two distinct sample spaces
        • Determine “and” probabilities, independent & dependent events
        • Determine “and” probabilities, independent & dependent events, including complementary events
        • Condensed: Determine probabilities
      • Predictions Using Probability
        • Determine predicted values, theoretical probability
        • Determine predicted values, experimental probability
        • Determine predicted values or compare likelihood of events
        • Determine predicted values, theoretical probability, compound events
        • Determine predicted values, experimental probability, compound events
        • Determine inferences from samples
      • Conditional Probability
        • Determine conditional probabilities from two-way frequency tables
        • Determine conditional probabilities, including two-way frequency tables
  • Conversions
    • Metric to Customary Conversions
      • Convert metric to customary units of length
      • Convert metric to customary units of weight & mass
      • Convert metric to customary units of volume & capacity
      • Convert metric to customary units of length, calculator expected
      • Convert metric to customary units of weight & mass, calculator expected
      • Convert metric to customary units of volume & capacity, calculator expected
      • Convert metric to customary units of length, including multi-step
      • Convert metric to customary units of weight & mass, including multi-step
      • Convert metric to customary units of volume & capacity, including multi-step
    • Customary to Metric Conversions
      • Convert customary to metric units of length
      • Convert customary to metric units of weight & mass
      • Convert customary to metric units of length, calculator expected
      • Convert customary to metric units of weight & mass, calculator expected
      • Convert customary to metric units of volume & capacity, calculator expected
      • Convert customary to metric units of length, including multi-step
      • Convert customary to metric units of weight & mass, including multi-step
    • Customary & Metric Conversions
      • Convert between customary & metric using dimensional analysis
      • Convert between customary & metric using unit rates
      • Convert between customary & metric using scale factors
      • Convert between customary & metric, proportion bias
      • Convert between customary & metric using conversion graphs
      • Convert between customary & metric, real-world context
      • Condensed: Convert between customary & metric
      • Condensed: Convert between customary & metric using multiple representations of conversion factor
      • Condensed: Convert between customary & metric, including multi-step
  • Number Theory
    • Prime & Composite Numbers
      • Identify prime & composite numbers
      • Identify prime & composite numbers, real-world context
    • Factors & Multiples
      • Identify multiples or non-multiples of whole numbers
      • Identify factors or non-factors of whole numbers
      • Identify factors or multiples of whole numbers
      • Condensed: Identify factors, non-factors, multiples, & non-multiples of whole numbers
    • Prime Factorization
      • Determine prime factorization of numbers up to 50
      • Determine prime factorization of numbers up to 100
      • Identify or complete prime factorization of numbers up to 144
      • Identify equivalent expressions involving prime factorization
    • Greatest Common Factors
      • Determine GCF of two numbers up to 100
      • Determine GCF of two numbers up to 100 or multiples of 10
      • Determine GCFs, real-world context
      • Apply GCFs to determine number of items in groups, real-world context
    • Least Common Multiples
      • Determine LCM of two numbers up to 100
      • Determine LCM of two numbers up to 100 or multiples of 10
      • Determine LCMs, real-world context
      • Apply LCMs to determine number of items in groups, real-world context
    • Greatest Common Factors & Least Common Multiples
      • Condensed: Determine GCF or LCM of two numbers up to 100 or multiples of 10
      • Condensed: Determine GCFs & LCMs, real-world context
      • Condensed: Apply GCFs & LCMs to determine number of items in groups, real-world context
  • Financial Literacy
    • Classify assets & liabilities
    • Determine net worth, assets, & liabilities
    • Determine minimum income necessary to balance budget
    • Determine minimum hourly wage necessary to balance budget
    • Determine budget allocations
    • Determine savings in loan repayment based on various lengths of repayment