Teacher Appreciation Week – Jessica Volbrecht

While the Get More Math team appreciates teachers on a daily basis, this week is special. It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and we’ve been highlighting some GMM super users across the country who are using our math practice software to help their students make meaningful increases in concept mastery and long-term retention.

Here are some of our previous teacher profiles:

Today, let’s head over to Everett High School to meet math teacher Jessica Volbrecht. Jessica is a Drexel University and Elizabethtown College graduate and has been teaching math for 16 years.

Thursday: Teacher of the Day!

Jessica - Why did you become a teacher?

I enjoy being able to help people become better problem solvers.
Jessica Volbrecht
9th-12th Grade Math

What was your most memorable teaching moment?

Any time when I see and hear students explain their thinking patiently and confidently to one another.

Who was your favorite teacher?

Mrs. Kline

What is your favorite GMM feature?

Personalized Mixed Review

Tell us something unique about yourself.

I was a tennis coach in my previous job.

More about Jessica:

Years of Teaching Experience

Works @ Everett High School

Drexel University Alumni